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Исполнитель: Thomas Haynes Bayly
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Песня: The Forsaken to the False One
I dare thee to forget me!
Go wander where thou wilt
Thy hand upon the vessel's helm,
Or on the sabre's hilt;
Away! thou'rt free! o'er land and sea
Go rush to danger's brink!
But oh, thou can'st not fly from thought!
Thy curse will be — to think!

Remember me! remember all,
My long enduring love,
That linked itself to perfidy;
The vulture and the dove!
Remember in thy utmost need,
I never once did shrink,
But clung to thee confidingly;
Thy curse shall be — to think.

Then go! that thought will render thee
A dastard in the fight;
That thought, when thou art tempest-tost,
Will fight thee with affright!
In some wild dungeon may'st thou lie,
And, counting each cold link
That binds thee to captivity,
Thy curse shall be — to think!

Go seek the merry banquet hall,
Where younger maidens bloom,
The thought of me shall make thee there
Endure a deeper gloom;
That thought shall turn the festive cup
To poison while you drink,
And while false smiles are on thy cheek,
Thy curse will be — to think!

Forget me, false one! hope it not!
When minstrels touch the string,
The memory of other days
Will gall thee while they sing;
The airs I used to love will make
Thy coward conscience shrink,
Ay, every note will have its sting,
Thy curse will be — to think!

Forget me! No, that shall not be!
I'll haunt thee in thy sleep,
In dreams thou'lt cling to slimy rocks
That overhang the deep;
Thou'lt shriek for aid! my feeble arm
Shall hurl thee from the brink,
And when thou wak'st in wild dismay,
Thy curse will be — to think

~ Текст приведён по изданию "Songs and Ballads, Grave and Gay", Philadelphia, 1844.
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Попробуй же забыть меня!
Скитайся ты хоть где,
Пусть на руле твоя рука,
А пусть и на мече,
Давай, беги! Вдаль за моря
Опасностей искать,
Но от раздумий не спастись,
И рок твой – вспоминать!..... [открыть перевод]

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