Песня: Invert Start the motor let the engine spin Give it fuel so it can't stop within Precious harmony I say Wont you open the door Let me in let me stay In your arms under your wing Give me some water from your everlasting spring Shut up must stop talking to myself Shut up must stop rely on my shell I'm in you you're in me Glad you came to my senses Because I didn't
Eye for an eye Some things are hard to Say goodbye to And you Are what I want to be when I say I'm invert
Ouch it hurts when my shoulder hit Their shoulders Ouch want to go mainstream just like them God help me go bolder I know I'm not and I forgot that I am Not the one who is going to make things done All by myself I think I made You tiny But I am glad You made me see In Your presence You're just growing And growing and I'm being just me